Meet Phil Gallagher | Breckenridge Wedding Officiant

Denver Wedding Officiant, Colorado Wedding Officiant, Colorado Wedding Professional, Denver Wedding Professional, Preferred Vendor

What is your specialty and why do you love it? 

My specialty is a hard one to nail down, but I would say both joy and connection. That probably seems a bit strange so let me explain what I mean. Looking back through the years, I find that when I work with couples and families that truly want a connection on the day of their ceremony, I really shine and bring the joy! Sometimes, couples are just looking for a “filler” and just need someone to say some words and get the job done. While I can certainly do that, I really come alive when we can laugh, have fun, and truly enjoy all the moments… nervously and eagerly waiting for the ceremony to begin, all jumping when spontaneous thunder startles us, laughing and crying together through emotional vows, etc. I feel that my specialty is encouraging that type of connection on such a special occasion. 

Denver Wedding Officiant, Colorado Wedding Officiant, Colorado Wedding Professional, Denver Wedding Professional, Preferred Vendor

What is your favorite part of a wedding?

Okay… my absolute favorite part of a wedding is stealing the bride and groom for a brief moment following the ceremony to grab a selfie with them. It’s always a moment filled with such happiness, relief, and joy. I get to capture it and carry it with me forward. Without a doubt, those photos and memories of hugs from those moments are THE BEST and my absolute favorite part of the whole event.

Denver Wedding Officiant, Colorado Wedding Officiant, Colorado Wedding Professional, Denver Wedding Professional, Preferred Vendor

How did you get into the wedding business?

This is honestly a long story, so I’ll condense it fast and if you ever want to hear the long version, I’m happy to go out for coffee or brunch. I directed a nonprofit focused on mentoring for 15 years and I have also been public speaking now for well over 20 years. Through all of my connections, I was asked to perform several weddings and discovered that I truly enjoyed the process of scriptwriting and helping couples navigate such an important day in their lives. And now, I get to work with such a special community of vendors who are truly some of the best people on this planet. In other words, you can sort of say I just fell into the wedding business, but I stay in it because I love it. : )

Denver Wedding Officiant, Colorado Wedding Officiant, Colorado Wedding Professional, Denver Wedding Professional, Preferred Vendor

What is your passion outside of your work?

I hate to sound cliche, but my passion outside of my work is my family. My wife and my three boys take priority, and I try to spend as much time having as much fun as possible with them! Aside from that, I also direct a non-profit with my wife that helps create community and connection among locals in Summit County. I’m a proud dad and husband and know more than ever that relationships are what truly matter in my life.

Denver Wedding Officiant, Colorado Wedding Officiant, Colorado Wedding Professional, Denver Wedding Professional, Preferred Vendor

What is one thing that most people don’t know about you?

I really had to rack my brain on this one… hahaha! A few years ago, I went to Universal Studios with my family, and I “tried out” to be on the Live Fear Factor show they do. Well, I made it on the show along with five other contestants, and I won… hahaha! So “fear is not a factor for me.” And along those same lines, I am a guy that comes off as super laid back and easy going. I spend the majority of my life speaking to crowds and helping others slow down, breathe, and rediscover the meaning of the moment. And almost no one knows that I too deal with anxiety and always have. it’s probably why I am able to connect and help with those very issues. So there you have it, my secret is out, and if you ever want to see some fun Fear Factor footage, just let me know. : )

Interested in learning more? Contact Phil, he would love to help with your wedding ceremony needs.

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